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Questions related to the fate of singularities in black holes or in cosmological situations, as well as those

related to apparent information paradoxes, is a sign that our current theory of space, time, and geometry

breaks down in such extreme conditions and should be replaced by a more complete, fundamental theory.

The problem of quantum gravity consists of constructing a theory of gravity formulated in the language of

quantum mechanics and compatible with general relativity, which remains unsolved as of today. In particular, in

spite of the many successes of the main approaches to quantum gravity, there are still two main big open

issues: 1) Implementation of dynamics. 2) Contact with experimental data. These are two outstanding and

intertwined problems.

The overall objectives of this project are to tackle the implementation of dynamics in quantum gravity

in the context of black hole geometry in order to address long-standing fundamental theoretical issues,

and to study the possibility that related quantum e ects could be observable by next-generation detectors.

The work performed so far following the research methodology elucidated in the proposal is based on two

approaches to be carried out in parallel since complimentary. The first line of research is more closely

related to the Loop Quantum Gravity framework and it relies on a novel approach to implementing symmetry

reduction at the quantum level, yielding more tractable quantum dynamics for a spherical black hole

geometry, while none of the fundamental structures of the full theory are lost. The second line is based on

the investigation of the new physical degrees of freedom that arise in presence of a boundary and the central

role of conformal  eld theory in their description, and it is related to  eld theory techniques employed in

the context of gauge/gravity duality. The project applies and combines these new ideas and methods to

investigate the black hole evaporation process, the fate of classical singularities, the symmetry algebra of

boundary charges (both at  nite and in nite distance) and to extract phenomenology through gravitational

waves physics techniques.